Why do we choose Georgia as our first vacation destination?

Because of Our Hotels

Georgia and Tbilisi are particularly characterized by a huge diversity of accommodation, from hotel apartments to five-star hotels with distinctive views.

Because of ``Places to Go``

Georgia has a unique tourism diversity, due to its climate, cultural and geographical diversity, which qualifies it as a tourist destination for tourists worldwide.

Because of Our Traditions

Georgia is very famous for the richness of tradition, although hundreds of years have passed but it still preserves its appearance.

Because of Our Festivals

Religious festivals and events in Georgia can be divided into two main parts: General orthodox festivals celebrating in all parts of the country and specific festivals celebrated in specific regions of Georgia.

Because of Our Folklore

A lot of Myths and legends are connected with Georgia. Among the best-known are the following:Music and dances,Costume…..

Because of Our Fresco-Graphits

Inside the churches a lot of frescoes can be found depicting saints, builders (ktitors in Greek) of the church, kings, queens, donators etc.
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