Georgian Cuisine and The Typical Dishes
Georgian Cuisine Typical Dishes caucasus country

Georgian Cuisine and The Typical Dishes

Features of the Georgian cuisine :

Georgia has its own specific style of cooking, Georgian cuisine which is mainly based on ancient recipes but one can also find many daring proposals by avant-garde chefs. Along with being a specific cuisine for the country containing a lot of traditional features.

Indeed, Georgian cuisine has some influences from other culinary traditions, mostly from Middle East, western Asia and Europe. Georgian cuisine offers a great variety of dishes.

On the other hand, it is mostly due to the fact that historical region of Georgia has its specific, distinct culinary tradition. Among them Megrelian, Imeretian and Khaketian cuisines are the best-known and very popular.

  Also,it should be mentioned, that eating in Georgia does not only mean filling the stomach, but it is linked to Friendship, feast, sharing and so on.

Obviously, It is a big tradition very important for all Georgians this is why serving sizes are always big and one would find it difficult to spot single tables in Georgian restaurants. 

 Furthermore, The most symbolic form for Georgian feast is called “Supra”. “Supra” is an important part of Georgian social culture. In the Georgian language, Supra literally means “table-cloth”. Large public meals are never held without Supra and if there are no tables, it is laid on the ground. Supra has its specific rules-regardless of its type and size it is always led by Tamada (Toastmaster), who proposes toasts. Besides, Tamada must have great rhetorical skill (this is a major reason why he is chosen as a toastmaster) and an ability to consume a large amount of alcohol without showing any signs of drunkenness. The toast continues in a counter-clockwise direction and if everyone who wished to speak has done so, Tamada proposes another toast and circle begins again.

Typical dishes prepared in Georgian cuisine 

Meat: The priority in Georgian cuisine is given to meat dishes. Among the best known and popular ones are:


  • Khinkali is Georgian dumplings. They are mainly made from mutton or veal. The meat filling Khinkali is raw and when cooked its juices are trapped inside.  To eat, one must hold Khinkali by its top (Using it as a handle) and suck the juice while taking the first bite. These “handles” are not normally eaten. Eating Khinkali without making a mess is a real art for Georgians and Expert Khinkali eaters are very proud of this.


  • Satsivi is a cold sauce. It is prepared from poultry broth with additions of various spices, dried herbs, garlic, water and salt to taste. Boiled turkey or chicken pieces submerged in the sauce is a staple of winter holiday feasts.


  • Mtsvadi is a Georgian Shish Kebab prepared mainly from beef. It is cooked on the grill and served with onions and mushrooms. Georgian Mtsvadi is distinguished with special aroma and juiciness. While preparing Mtsvadi one must take into account to use marinated meat, then cut it into pieces and mix with salt, pepper and onions.


One more characteristic feature for Georgian cuisine is the use of plentiful of Cheeses.


  • Khachapuri is a farinaceous meal with big amount of cheese.Also, It literally translates as “Cheese bread” and is sometimes called as “Georgian pizza.” The dough for Khachapuri must be tender that’s why Matsoni is added to its ingredients. As for the cheese, it must be soaked and slightly wring out. There are many variations of Khachapuri (Imeretian, Megrelian, and Ajaruli). The most extravagant is Ajaruli Khachapuri, a boat-shaped pizza with an egg and butter added just before serving.

Vegetables and greens:

Vegetables are widely used in Georgia as food. The abundance of meats on a Georgian table is always accompanied by considerable quantity of vegetables and greens. Among the most popular dishes using vegetables and greens are:


  • Mkhali is a hallmark of Georgian cuisine. It is a vegetable salad with one basic vegetable with the same name “Mkhali”. Other basic vegetables for Mkhali are: Cabbage, beet, sweet pepper and onions. As for seasoning, walnuts, red pepper, parsley greens, garlic, vinegar and salt are used.
  • Additionally, They are thermally processed, then boiled or baked and crushed and mixed with each other. This combination of different vegetables and greens creates a special taste.


  • Lobio is a rich dish consisting of boiled red beans mixed with seasoning. The most widespread components for Lobio are: onions, wine vinegar, vegetable oil, greens such as parsley, coriander, leek, mint, basil etc. Some dry spices such as red and black peppers, saffron and suneli are also added.


Best-known sweets among the traditional Georgian ones are:


  • Churchkhela is a traditional kind of sweets in Georgia. They are made of nuts beaded on the thread and then cooked in grape juice, which is flour-thickened.
  • In addition, there are varieties of this sweetmeat; among them best-known recipes of churchkhela is Kakhetian and Imeretian ones.


  • Gozinaki is served to a festive table on the first day of New Year and has special gusto for the Georgians. It can be prepared easily: One must warm honey and sugar in a casserole and then add nuts fried to brown. Then all these is mixed and cut into random pieces.


  • Pelamushi is thick jelly made of grape juice and corn meal. It is mainly served with nuts. The mixture of corn meal and grape juice must be boiled and thoroughly stirred before cooling.

Wine and Winemaking:

Wine production began in Georgia centuries ago. It is one of the ancient fields of agriculture and farming in Georgia. Producing different kinds of wines is an entire culture in Georgia.

In addition, the country produces a great variety of wines: they are red and white wines and champagne taps a swell. These wines are unique with distinguishable taste. Uniqueness of Georgian wines depends on the place where they are made.

Also, every region of Georgia grows its own grape varieties. For example, in Kakheti, which has a secular history of wine production, best-known red wine varieties are Saperavi and Kabern and varieties for white wine- Rkatsiteli and khikhvi. In Racha-Lechkhumi region a small village Khvanchkara produces best-known wine with the same name. Another famous variety of Georgia’s wines is Odjaleshi native to Megrelia.

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